Society is changing by two peoples,one is rulers and other is days it is need of society that it needs to make social movies.Social movie containing solution and implementation of its of world problems and according to that role of peoples/political leaders for making country world power(growth).Inspirational movie,Social movie,rural showing film,Reality showing movie.this movie contains theme that when any nations all people's come together and work hard then that nations growth is 100% to achieve the goal of become world power.examples of what best activities carried by nations such as China, Germany, Argentina, Malaysia, Canada, Israel is highlighted and how to we all can accept that's by our rulers is contained.
Mainly my movie content is world's tomorrow need.what society will need to save life in future is contained in my it is society's duty that how to save nature and ultimately how to save world life for future contains in my movie.
Mostly all viewers look cinema for entertaining but it happened entertainment for only 2 hours at watching.but social movies are playing role for whole life.
But social movies plays best role because that movies are solve life problem,develop life sophisticated and ultimately is today's needs of social movies for change minds of people's for best of our next generation.
My movie is best example for developing nations.Also my movie is best example of encouragement.
My movie's every word is powerful and meaningful.Content of my movie is very strong.all points contains in movie are very needed for all human beings for today and tomorrow.
my movie is society changing role.
my movie is social and inspiration, motivated movie encourage people's.also contains social problems solutions and role of rulers movie is also fight for human rights and depends upon movie learn anybody(sad,normal, frustrated and all)to fight with struggling and achieve success and develop movie also contains 51 social problems solutions solved by rulers such as poverty, ilitercy, population,pollution control,water conservation and mostly GLOBAL WARMING,girls sex ratio.
My movie is best example for developing nations also guideline to developed countries. It is our small try,which all of you will like.
Society is changing by two peoples,one is rulers and other is days it is need of society that it needs to make social movies.Social movie containing solution and implementation of its of world problems and according to that role of peoples/political leaders for making country world power(growth).Inspirational movie,Social movie,rural showing film,Reality showing movie.this movie contains theme that when any nations all people's come together and work hard then that nations growth is 100% to achieve the goal of become world power.examples of what best activities carried by nations such as China, Germany, Argentina, Malaysia, Canada, Israel is highlighted and how to we all can accept that's by our rulers is contained.
Mainly my movie content is world's tomorrow need.what society will need to save life in future is contained in my it is society's duty that how to save nature and ultimately how to save world life for future contains in my movie.
Mostly all viewers look cinema for entertaining but it happened entertainment for only 2 hours at watching.but social movies are playing role for whole life.
But social movies plays best role because that movies are solve life problem,develop life sophisticated and ultimately is today's needs of social movies for change minds of people's for best of our next generation.
My movie is best example for developing nations.Also my movie is best example of encouragement.
My movie's every word is powerful and meaningful.Content of my movie is very strong.all points contains in movie are very needed for all human beings for today and tomorrow.
my movie is society changing role.
my movie is social and inspiration, motivated movie encourage people's.also contains social problems solutions and role of rulers movie is also fight for human rights and depends upon movie learn anybody(sad,normal, frustrated and all)to fight with struggling and achieve success and develop movie also contains 51 social problems solutions solved by rulers such as poverty, ilitercy, population,pollution control,water conservation and mostly GLOBAL WARMING,girls sex ratio.
My movie is best example for developing nations also guideline to developed countries. It is our small try,which all of you will like.
Directors: Ramprabhu nakate
Writers: ramprabhu nakate
Producers: Ramprabhu nakate
Key cast: Ramprabhu nakate, Usha naik, Kishor mahabole, Nagesh bhosale, Prakash dhotre, Nisha parulekar, Bharat ganeshpure, Surekhan kudachi, Ranjit randive, Rohit chavhan, Nutan jayant
Student project: No
Completion date: 2017-12-15
Shooting format: digital6k
Aspect ratio: 2.39:1
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: Yes