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The Lions


LOS LEONES is a film about love, a meeting with the other: the stranger, the mestizo, the latin, the queer. It is a film whose intimate language portrays identity, sexuality and gender issues related to the experiences of camaraderie and solitude, to the couple’s and friends’ singular universe, and the implications of living together and living alone.The starting point was simple: to follow through three seasons MARIANA's and RAUL's everyday, filming them inside their inhabit space: the LOS LEONES house, considered as an affective living space, crossed by subjectivities and stories, where the camera entered to capture the atmosphere, daily conversations, situations, and the authenticity of the real. Practically always fixed and stable, it sought not to interfere on real, but to narrate from it, aiming to extract their essence.In LOS LEONES, the characters are real and interpret themselves. The photography, of intimate and pictorial nature, emphasizes the frame construction, using longest planes for landscape, faces and the contemplation of details. It explores the natural light, the hors champs, the awkwardness in the frame, and the contrasting light aesthetics. By not using interviews, voiceover or narration, I sought to be only the witness of the couple's everyday, focusing on the way they live, position themselves into the world, and relate to their social group marked by exclusion, abandonment, drugs, prostitution, sexual gender issues and AIDS.

Information for the Audience: 

Directors: André Lage
Writers: André Lage
Producers: André Lage
Key cast: Mariana Koballa,Raúl Francisco


Information for theatres: 

Student project: No
Completion date: 08/05/2016
Shooting format:
Aspect ratio: 1.78:1
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: Yes

Total votes: 546
