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Lemonade: The Film


Lemonade is about one family's innovative home schooling solution for an adult with Autism in the United Arab Emirates, after they had been told that he's too old to attend his special needs school. Faced with overwhelming odds and almost nothing in terms of support, this family takes on the challenge and makes a happy life for this young man. When life hands you lemons, there's only one thing you can do...Make Lemonade!

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

This film was made to highlight the severe lack of attention being given to adults with Autism world wide.  Some countries are better than others, but overall, the adults are a lost generation, and all of them will be adults with Autism someday, so I hope that Lemonade encourages other families to take a proactive approach.


Screenings / Awards: 

Lady's First International Film Festival (Won Best Executive Producer

World of Women Film Festival in Dubai (Won Director's award)

Officially selected by the Miami Independent Film Festival



Information for theatres: 

When life hands you lemons, some families make LEMONADE.  Autism is by far the proverbial Lemon in life, but if handled proactively, it can be a great experience, and a chance to show your love to someone in a way that isn't possible with most.  We are all first time filmmakers, and this is our pride and joy.  Everyone who worked on this film did so free of charge, and just wanted to make a difference.

Directed by: 
Sara Al Hashemi
Writing credits: 
Dedra Stevenson and Sara Al Hashemi
Ibrahim Maseeh Dedra Stevenson Mark Vincent Salizar Arden Kristoffer Dr. Hussain Maseeh
Produced by: 
Dedra L. Stevenson
Release Date: 
Friday, September 8, 2017
Official website:
Total votes: 1727
