Krump is a short documentary about the dance style "Krump" and introduces young dancers, by award winning filmmaker Johannes Ziegler. The dancers show and tell to the viewer, how they use dance, to express their deep emotions and with this, they can feel free and peacefull. In an aesthetic way, this film immerses itself into a unkown world.
More than six filmfestivals selected KRUMP.
KRUMP won @ the New Zealand Film Awards 2017 the Special Jury Award.
Krump is a short documentary about the dance style "Krump" and introduces young dancers, by award winning filmmaker Johannes Ziegler. The dancers show and tell to the viewer, how they use dance, to express their deep emotions and with this, they can feel free and peacefull. In an aesthetic way, this film immerses itself into a unkown world.
More than six filmfestivals selected KRUMP.
KRUMP won @ the New Zealand Film Awards 2017 the Special Jury Award.
More about the filmmaker:
More about the film:
I'am a young talented filmmaker from Germany, but also I had already done many famous project and films.
With my film Two Sugars I run at over 14 Filmfestivals, from Cannes to Austin Texas and won the Newbie Filmmaker Award in Karlsruhe (Germany).
KRUMP is my new Shortfilm, and it tells the story of emotions and dance in the way, how I see the dancing style KRUMP.
Still I wait for my chance to do a feature, I write a lot of screenplay and storys, so I can't wait to connect, make movies and realise my dreams.
KRUMP // Official Selections 2017
@Berlin Independent Filmfestival 2017
@Filmfest Schleswig-Holstein 2017
@Melbourne Documentary Film Festival 2017
@Berlin Shortfilm Festival 2017
@Varna Redcrossfilmfest 2017
@Nancy Festival International du Filme 2017
SemiFinalist for Screening @AUSTRIA FILMFESTIVAL 2017 // @Madrid Art Filmfestival 2017
KRUMP is ready for every cinema.
H.264, Apple ProRes, DCP, MP4
Just tell me what's the best for your screening.