An amnesiac alien philosopher stranded on Earth takes a long journey to Mt. Fuji to resurrect his little comatose friend and, as he progresses, starts to remember a pivotal day from his childhood, which involves a mysterious spacecraft that has just, in Earth Time, gone missing.
An amnesiac alien philosopher stranded on Earth takes a long journey to Mt. Fuji to resurrect his little comatose friend and, as he progresses, starts to remember a pivotal day from his childhood, which involves a mysterious spacecraft that has just, in Earth Time, gone missing.
Directors: Cris Ubermann
Writers: Yukita Kusunoki
Producers: Yukita Kusunoki
Key cast: Yukita Kusunoki
Student project: No
Completion date: 2014-09-01
Shooting format:
Aspect ratio: 16:0
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: Yes