A young woman burns spoons while a solitary man wallows in poetry. Both discover that horror has the face of an angel. For her, it’s aluminum, smoke and orgasms. For him, ten razor blades slicing a lung. This is a broken accordion. This is Jo é Pu.
Eva is filled with existential emptiness, on a mad spin around a world that is choking her; a journey that seems to be her only way out. Hypersensitive Javier has nothing in common with Eva, except that they both navigate the same treacherous precipice. They cross paths with strange characters who bring deeply buried parts of themselves to the surface; encounters that challenge them and leave a scar. Are love and freedom a delusion? Or just empty words that chance upon meaning?
A young woman burns spoons while a solitary man wallows in poetry. Both discover that horror has the face of an angel. For her, it’s aluminum, smoke and orgasms. For him, ten razor blades slicing a lung. This is a broken accordion. This is Jo é Pu.
Eva is filled with existential emptiness, on a mad spin around a world that is choking her; a journey that seems to be her only way out. Hypersensitive Javier has nothing in common with Eva, except that they both navigate the same treacherous precipice. They cross paths with strange characters who bring deeply buried parts of themselves to the surface; encounters that challenge them and leave a scar. Are love and freedom a delusion? Or just empty words that chance upon meaning?