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If Kazimir Met Maurice


The Suprematist paintings of the Russian Futurist Kazimir Malevich (1878-1935) are poised to burst into motion. What if Malevich had had the tools to animate his work? Imagine a collaboration between Malevich and his contemporary, French Impressionist composer Maurice Ravel (1875-1916.) 'If Kazimir Met Maurice, or Suprematism Out on a Spree,' a hand-animated response to this possibility, evokes Modernity's chaotic apotheosis. Unleashed at full vitality, the sliding, leaping, soaring shapes of Malevich's 'Suprematist Composition' (1916), synchronize with the restive pulse of Maurice Ravel's 'Trio for Piano, Violin and Cello in A minor' (1914). The Dresdner Klaviertrio provide the throbbing music bed (from a Berlin Classics compact disc, ©1994 BERLIN Classics, a division of 'edel' Gesellschaft für Produktmarketing mbH, used for inspirational and educational purposes only.) Pell Osborn supervised the deliberately rough, propulsive hand animation at MotionArt Studios, Boston.

Information for the Audience: 

Directors: Pell Osborn
Key cast:


Information for theatres: 

Student project: No
Completion date: 06/08/2017
Shooting format: HDV
Aspect ratio: 1.78:1
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: No

Total votes: 849
