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A surreal adaptation of Moby Dick. Lake, obsessed with finding the ultimate truth, is led down a path into the horrifying depths of his own subconscious.
Directors: Levin Garbisch Writers: Levin Garbisch Producers: Levin Garbisch Key cast: Dean Satriano,Irena Violette,Esmond Fountain,Benny Briseno,Levin Garbisch,Dakota Bailey,Arlenys Collado,Tony Ketcham,Chris Kozina
Student project: No Completion date: 10/04/2016 Shooting format: Aspect ratio: 1.78:1 Film color: Color First-time filmmaker: No
A surreal adaptation of Moby Dick. Lake, obsessed with finding the ultimate truth, is led down a path into the horrifying depths of his own subconscious.
Directors: Levin Garbisch
Writers: Levin Garbisch
Producers: Levin Garbisch
Key cast: Dean Satriano,Irena Violette,Esmond Fountain,Benny Briseno,Levin Garbisch,Dakota Bailey,Arlenys Collado,Tony Ketcham,Chris Kozina
Student project: No
Completion date: 10/04/2016
Shooting format:
Aspect ratio: 1.78:1
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: No