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I met you tomorrow (Ti ho incontrata domani)


The film “I met you tomorrow” tells about Alzheimer and about two types of bewilderment: that of the person who’s vanishing and the one felt by who would like to keep in the eye the night dream which is inexorably dissolving.
“ I met you tomorrow” tells about two bewilderments: the identity loss caused by the Alzheimer disease and the dismay felt by those who remain and see the life partner turning into an hologram. It’s difficult to determine which of the two tragedies is more unbearable, namely that of the person who “leaves”, swallowed by the unknown, or the one felt by the person who remains, witnessing helplessly the inexorable dissolution of a life. 
Through a deliberate misunderstanding, the director leads the viewer across the same bewilderment: the mirror and the reflected image no longer coincide. 


English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

A quiet walk, a coffee bar. A man observes a woman who, at first, looks flattered by the attentions of the stranger.
But then, the gazes, the gallant gestures, soon become stakeouts. The woman, escorted by a friend? a daughter? is more and more uneasy, getting so frightened to ask the police to get the stranger away from her.
The walk becomes an escape and at the end the viewer will hardly know who’s the real victim: the last incredibly intricate moments disclose a painful (dramatic) reality. The ending is written by the disease.... 


Let’s imagine we are in front of a mirror and we don’t recognize the image reflected by it, that man, that woman, her wrinkles, her smiles, her sad or happy thoughts are stuck to the face of a stranger.
Who are we when the geography of life transforms in an indecipherable code for us, a nut without its nutshell, when the memories and life itself vanish, wiping out the outlines of everything around - as one of those photos that nobody uses anymore- and, in the end, wiping out ourselves? 
All of a sudden, in our finest cloth, the best, the well-woven fabric with a valuable warp, with a strong and resilient texture, a thread gets entangled in any sort of roughness; that thread, almost invisible, starts to pull and to fray its beauty relentlessly. We are the relationships we have established, the thoughts that have filled our mind, the sons, the wives, the husbands, the friends, the lovers, every person we have met and everyone who has transformed our thread in a precious cloth, full of refined embroideries and weaving patterns. We are the people we have loved and who have loved us and this is what gives authenticity to our life..And when authenticity fades away everything becomes meaningless. 


Screenings / Awards: 



  • 22 International Film Festival - Publicystyka - POLONIA 2015

Menzione speciale della giuria

  • selezione ufficiale

LOS ANGELES Film Fest 2016

HONG KONG Word International Film Festival CINA 2015

PREMI MIFF - Milano International Film Festival Awards 2016

Largo Film Festival 2016

FILM FEST 52 - USA - 2015

SALUDCINEMENTAL Film Festival - Siviglia / SPAGNA 2016


Amarcort Film Festival - ITALIA 2015


Information for theatres: 

Sottotitoli: Inglese Formato di Registrazione: formato di PROIEZIONE AVCHD: formato Schermo del file di digitale: 16/9 Colore: Color Sound: Dominic Rogan Sceneggiatura: Marco Toscani DIRITTI: Arte: Marco Toscani Montaggio: Marco Toscani Animazione: Andrei Chilat Musica: Mattia Cupelli Casting: Chiara Turrini, Mario Peretti, Lara Rigotti Sound editing: Produzione Andrei Chialt 

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