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GOOD FRIDAY Death, the Steel Plant, Maria and the Mothers of Tamburi


"It was the darkest night of human history." With these words the Archbishop opens his prayer - it's almost midnight and it starts to rain in the streets in front of the church of San Domenico. Tens of thousands of people gathered there. All are waiting for the big moment when the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows will be brought out of the church, and exposed in the square. "The Sorrows" - that's how it has always been called the impressive Good Friday procession, and that Good Friday is the most important festival of the "torn city". Every year the inhabitants of Taranto breathe 2.7 tonnes of carbon monoxide and 57, 7 tons of carbon dioxide. The dioxin in the air is supposed to be responsible for diseases such as leukaemia and lymphoma. The environmental requirements have been ignored for more than 20 years because of the profits. The industrialist, the city, the politicians, the government, they’re all partners in crime. The film shows how the Tarantini, in particular the women of Tamburi try to deal with this difficult situation. It’s all about their hopes, wishes and beliefs. The background of the story is the decline of heavy industry, once a source of economic wealth and employment, now a heavy burden on the city in terms of health and environment. The central theme of the documentary is the Good Friday procession, the so-called 'Pellegrinaggio dell'Addolorata' and the people who participate in it. Good Friday is a parable on hope, death and resurrection in times of social and political delusion.

Information for the Audience: 

Directors: Peter Rippl Writers: Producers: Key cast:


Information for theatres: 

Student project: No Completion date: 2016-01-26 Shooting format: Canon C100 Aspect ratio: 16:9 Film color: Color First-time filmmaker: No

Total votes: 4222