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Future Dreaming


In January 2015, film director Kaya Finlayson recorded a conversation with the renowned thinker Dr David E Martin, to explore the past, present and future of humanity.

Future Dreaming discusses the narratives that drive our economic, social and political thinking and unpacks the assumptions that underlie those conditions. The industrial age for example, did not simply bring us new technology, it bought a new way of thinking. It was the first time in the human narrative that nature was classified as having zero value and that human beings were defined as a resource.

The film critiques the models that we are working with and then offers a new model, one that has existed for billions of years. David likes to call this model the Genius of the Universe; it is the intelligence that underlies the natural world creating a sustainable and successful eco system. David asks a very simple question - what would humanity look like if we stopped imposing our models upon nature, and instead, chose to follow the same playbook as the ecosystem we find ourselves in?

Future Dreaming is a call to return to the essence of what it means to be human. To a version of humanity that cares about its place in the world and the effect it has on the environment.
The film explores a new understanding of the human condition, whereby we no longer see ourselves as separate or having dominion over nature, but instead experience a deep sense of connection with it.

Future Dreaming is a conversation between two people deeply interested in the potential of mankind. It’s a conversation about the sleeping nature of humanity and what it would take to Awaken.

Information for the Audience: 

Directors: Kaya Finlayson

Writers: Kaya Finlayson

Producers: Kaya Finlayson, Dinah Wakefield

Key cast: Dr David E Martin


Director: Kaya Finlayson

Kaya Finlayson is the founder of KFilms, a successful commercial production house in Sydney. He also spent three years running a boutique advertising agency (SoDUS) and has a long standing passion for meditation and human potential. He has been the recipient of a number of creative awards including Flicker Fest and the New York Film Festival.

Future Dreaming is Kaya's first documentary project and encompasses many themes that have been important in his life. The film explores the legacy of Adam Smith and the narratives that define the human experience.

Director’s Statement

The film Future Dreaming is the result of a chance meeting between two people, on a boat, in Antarctica. Dr David E Martin and I were guests on an expedition of 106 entrepreneurs, travelling to Antarctica to discuss innovation and collaboration in a post digital world. We immediately recognised each other as kindred spirits, with a unique opportunity to tell a story about the past, present and future of humanity.



Information for theatres: 

student project: No
completion date: 2015-08-07
shooting format: Cannon C300
aspect ratio: 16:9
film color: Color
first-time filmmaker: Yes

Total votes: 1655