“The Forgotten Army” tells the story of former GDR (German Democratic Republic) soldiers, who nearly 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, still struggle with the loss of their homeland. Since 1989 more than 250,000 border guards, high officers of the National People’s Army and Stasi officers not only lost their jobs, but also their homeland and their identities. These men all did what they were told to do, confident that it was the right thing. Nonetheless they were in a dilemma: being faithful to their oath also meant to spy on their neighbours and – as a last consequence – shoot at their own people, trying to escape to the West. Divided between radicals and legalists they are unable to adopt with the re-unified Germany, but keep practicing their former military rituals embedded in the command structure of an army that doesn’t exist anymore.
“The Forgotten Army” tells the story of former GDR (German Democratic Republic) soldiers, who nearly 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, still struggle with the loss of their homeland. Since 1989 more than 250,000 border guards, high officers of the National People’s Army and Stasi officers not only lost their jobs, but also their homeland and their identities. These men all did what they were told to do, confident that it was the right thing. Nonetheless they were in a dilemma: being faithful to their oath also meant to spy on their neighbours and – as a last consequence – shoot at their own people, trying to escape to the West. Divided between radicals and legalists they are unable to adopt with the re-unified Germany, but keep practicing their former military rituals embedded in the command structure of an army that doesn’t exist anymore.
Directors: Signe Astrup
Writers: Signe Astrup
Producers: Fabian Diering
Key cast:
Student project: No
Completion date: 01/29/2017
Shooting format:
Aspect ratio: 1.66:1
Film color: Both
First-time filmmaker: Yes