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Fisher Cove


Finn, a rugged young outdoorsman, and his dog head out at sunrise in hopes of catching that big fish. Before Finn can enjoy that first sip of morning beer his lure is rocked by what he can only imagine to be his dream catch. After exhausting a few expert strategies, that demolish most of his fishing gear, Finn realizes he may be dealing with something that doesn't belong i

Information for the Audience: 


Screenings / Awards: 

Official Selections

Aspen FIlm Festival

Westchest Film Festival

Gimli Film Festival

Gimli Film Festival

Toronto Independent Film Festival


Distribution budget: 
Directed by: 
Sean Skene
Writing credits: 
Sean Skene, Andrew Degryse
BJ Verot Rick Skene Kristen Sawatazky
Produced by: 
Sean Skene and Andrew Degryse
Music by: 
Andrew Degryse
Cinematography by: 
Andrew Degryse
Film Editing by: 
Sean Skene
Casting by: 
Production Design by: 
Art Direction by: 
Set Decoration by: 
Costume Design by: 
Makeup Department: 
Special Effects Make up by Doug Morrow
Production Management: 
Other crew: 
Visual Effects by Andrew Degryse Catering by Jan Skene
Total votes: 3926
