A beloved British television star takes a detour that transforms his beliefs about morality, love, sex, and violence. The soap opera melodrama of his work coexists peacefully with his otherwise cool, detached view of the world. But when his elderly mother’s living situation takes a vicious turn, his new female costar—a young woman with a notorious criminal past—opens the door to a solution. An entirely new way of living beckons. One with no fear, no regrets, and no clear line separating fantasy from reality.
A beloved British television star takes a detour that transforms his beliefs about morality, love, sex, and violence. The soap opera melodrama of his work coexists peacefully with his otherwise cool, detached view of the world. But when his elderly mother’s living situation takes a vicious turn, his new female costar—a young woman with a notorious criminal past—opens the door to a solution. An entirely new way of living beckons. One with no fear, no regrets, and no clear line separating fantasy from reality.
Key cast:
Student project: No
Completion date: 07/28/2016
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First-time filmmaker: No