Diamondz in the Rough: Life's No Fairytale' is a novel based on seven young ladies that have no parental guidance trying to find their way. Making a few bad decision's along the way many lessons are learned along their Journey. Together they will learn about true friendship, betrayal, heart ache and pain. While experiencing sensuous and steamy encounters at the same time, this story will intrigue and stimulate you, whatever your experience with romantic or friendly relationships may be. Learn about the differences between seven woman and the circumstances that shape their interesting lives. Travel with them as they come to find out life's no fairytale.
Diamondz in the Rough: Life's No Fairytale' is a novel based on seven young ladies that have no parental guidance trying to find their way. Making a few bad decision's along the way many lessons are learned along their Journey. Together they will learn about true friendship, betrayal, heart ache and pain. While experiencing sensuous and steamy encounters at the same time, this story will intrigue and stimulate you, whatever your experience with romantic or friendly relationships may be. Learn about the differences between seven woman and the circumstances that shape their interesting lives. Travel with them as they come to find out life's no fairytale.
Intense Drama intended to impact the masses.