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Daughter of an Ocean


Remembering the story of a fish, told by her mother, daughter discovers her mother's story was more than a mere tale, but a dream for her to live by.

3.04 Min
Information for the Audience: 

This film is an attempt on our side to understand what a freedom is and how this freedom gets snatched from you. Specially the freedom of a girl child.


Information for theatres: 

This film is a result of one of many conversations that my father and mother had with me about how one should live their life with freedom.

The film is based on a thesis "Educating Children Through Animation Using Poetic Metaphor"  that I wrote at Savannah College of Art and Design.

"Daughter of an Ocean" would have not been possible without hard work and humble contributions by Bridget Underwood, Ayan Akbar, Bobby Osborne,

Monika Leigh Norcross, Suniti Gohil, Hannah Inouye Field, Diana Martinez Munoz, Laura Davenport and Khushnuma Savai.

Distribution budget: 
Directed by: 
Kintan Chauhan
Writing credits: 
Kintan Chauhan
Monika Leigh Norcross, Suniti Gohil and Hannah Inouye Field
Produced by: 
Kintan Chauhan
Music by: 
Diana Martinez Munoz and Jose Gaviria Delgadillo
Cinematography by: 
Kintan Chauhan
Film Editing by: 
Kintan Chauhan and Khushnuma Savai
Other crew: 
Technical Directors: Ayan Akbar, Aditya Sharma and Bobby Osborne Animators: Bridget Underwood and Kintan Chauhan
Release Date: 
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Official website:
Total votes: 8500
