Phil, a well-meaning but apprehensive college drop out, decides to hold up a local bodega. During the anxious robbery he crosses paths with a broken down student named Dakota, who is there for the same exact reason...Rewind to the beginning of the day; we follow Phil and Dakota as they go on their erratic journeys, eventually leading to their inevitable confrontation.
I'd like to take this opportunity to briefly describe what this film means to me...
"The Crowns of Serendip" reflects thoughts at a time of dubiety. A time consisting of constantly searching for answers to unanswerable questions. This film is about coming to the realization that not everything is planned, and not all the answers are found through questioning your purpose, or searching for intangible things like Love.
This film also is an honest reflection of where I was at that time in my life. When I wrote the script, I was living on a sketchy street corner in the Mantua area of West Philadelphia, where robbing bodega's was as common as picking up a greasy Cheese Steak from a non-health-inspected Lunch Truck. As somebody who grew up in quiet, tranquil Oceanport, NJ, this was the quite the transition, as you could imagine. The bodega in the film was actually right outside the house that I lived in, and it was actually robbed the night before we shot in it.
Creating this film was the peak moment of my 21 years on this planet, so I hope you enjoy entering into an exaggerated, mad version of my world.
Phil, a well-meaning but apprehensive college drop out, decides to hold up a local bodega. During the anxious robbery he crosses paths with a broken down student named Dakota, who is there for the same exact reason...Rewind to the beginning of the day; we follow Phil and Dakota as they go on their erratic journeys, eventually leading to their inevitable confrontation.
To whom it may concern,
I'd like to take this opportunity to briefly describe what this film means to me...
"The Crowns of Serendip" reflects thoughts at a time of dubiety. A time consisting of constantly searching for answers to unanswerable questions. This film is about coming to the realization that not everything is planned, and not all the answers are found through questioning your purpose, or searching for intangible things like Love.
This film also is an honest reflection of where I was at that time in my life. When I wrote the script, I was living on a sketchy street corner in the Mantua area of West Philadelphia, where robbing bodega's was as common as picking up a greasy Cheese Steak from a non-health-inspected Lunch Truck. As somebody who grew up in quiet, tranquil Oceanport, NJ, this was the quite the transition, as you could imagine. The bodega in the film was actually right outside the house that I lived in, and it was actually robbed the night before we shot in it.
Creating this film was the peak moment of my 21 years on this planet, so I hope you enjoy entering into an exaggerated, mad version of my world.
Thank you for your consideration,
Robert. E Proto
United States
September 17, 2016
Best Student Film
United States
December 21, 2016
Jersey City Premiere
United Kingdom
December 23, 2016
European Premiere
Best Director (student)
United States
January 16, 2017
New York City Premierei