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Circle’s End


The abuse, infringement, violence and murder incidents against women… Unfortunately we come across with these everyday.

This film tells the story of abuse and rape against women, finalizing with exoneration in the end through the sad story of Zeynep and Ece. The trauma that a victim suffers because of what happened, and the probability of such sitiuation, wounds and incompletenesses are reflected into the act. Apart from all this, the film tries to draw attention for incidents during the trial phase, abatements or exonerations. In other words it is the contradiction itself that is reflected in the movie. In this sense, the cold war between the father and daughter, violence and normalizing the violence is reflected.

The fact that the movie ends in ambiguity comes from the belief that is about the fact that the incidents like this can happen though name of the victims and incidents partly change. It’s up to you at which part of the movie you will start watching but there is still no hope for solving this problem fundamentally.

Information for the Audience: 

Directors: Nergiz Karadaş
Writers: Nergiz Karadaş
Producers: Nergiz Karadaş
Key cast: Altan Gördüm, Buse Badurlar, Deniz İnci Yenilmez


Information for theatres: 

Student project: Yes
Completion date: 2016-08-01
Shooting format: Digital
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: Yes

Total votes: 483
