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The buried secret


The Buried Secret


Based on a true story, the film tells the story of a Lebanese mother and her son. Prior to his departure, he confides in her and asks her to keep a secret. She tells no one for 14 years.

Staying true to her word, while watching her children suffer, she only opens up after the South of Lebanon is liberated in 2000.

The Buried Secret is an exceptional story of loyalty and perseverance in trying times.

Information for the Audience: 

Director : Ali Ghaffari

Producer of film: Mortada Chaabani

Scriptwriter: Rida Eskandar – Mahmoud Gholami

Director of Photography: Milad Tawk

Production Company: ALARZ PRODUCTION

Leading players:

1- Carmen Lebbos

2- Ammar Shalak              

3- Bassem Moughnieh        

4- Yusuf Haddad



Information for theatres: 

Shooting Format : Full HD

First - time filmmaker: Yes

Completion date: January 1,2015

Student Project: No

Film Color: Color

Film gauge: DCP & Blu-ray

Total votes: 2030