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The Book of Mikey


When Mikey's father is on his deathbed in England, he tells his son the secret behind his mother's demise: it seems like things were very different than what he had been told. Now there is a mystery that needs to be solved, and Mikey will have to go to Amsterdam in search for answers.

Information for the Audience: 

Directors: Bruno Ramos

Key cast: Micah Bailey, Evrim Akyigit, Terrence T Sinclair


Director: Bruno Ramos

Bruno Ramos was born in Brazil, where he worked for over a decade with film and television. He moved to the Netherlands where he got to direct his first short film called "Set in Stone", which took him to Cannes and boosted his next production: The Book of Mikey. Besides those two films, Bruno has directed and edited several other (mostly Dutch) films in the last few years.



Screenings / Awards: 
News & Reviews
Information for theatres: 

student project: No
completion date: 2015-02-01
shooting format: Digital
aspect ratio: 2.39
film color: Color
first-time filmmaker: No

Total votes: 3070