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Cibele (Dandara Adrien), codename #babynymph, is the portrait of a generation that lives to enjoy and have likes. Like so many, she believes that happiness only exists if it is shared. Inspired by Greek mythology, this nymph is guarded by monsters and worshiped by gods, all very human. Along with her friend Daiana (Giovanna Almeida), Cibele wanted to live an unforgettable weekend and share every minute. She just did not imagine that this could become a matter of life or death. #babynimph, a low budget movie that is surprising audiences and has already grabbed several awards and international selections.

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 


The film #babynymph appropriates the mokumentary style (fake documentary) mixed with found footages style, production and styles in vogue, in the experimental film circuit and world trade, which tend to perform very low cost productions and, in some cases, get interesting critical and public feedback. Those styles are still little explored in the Brazilian cinema, but are relatively saturated in the world cinematographic context. However, this project attempts to deconstruct its canon. The narrative of the film comes from the point of view of a mobile phone video camera belonging to the teen protagonist of the film, which shows the interaction of that character with multiple applications (apps) of the instrument: image capture, entertainment, social networking, among others. The mobile, in a way, has become an important character of the plot, also constituting itself as a symbolic item that made possible the emergence of a series of questions and criticisms related to contemporaneity. The main focus of this production is to present a critique of voyeurism and exhibitionism exacerbated in contemporary consumer culture, particularly given the omnipresence of technological devices in the urban landscape, especially the interactive-social digital services that establish a reality that affects people of all social classes and ages, both in Brazil and worldwide. However, teenagers are in fact the biggest consumers/interactors of this reality and age group, covered by the plot.

The choice of this topic is due to the fact that the reflections on voyeurism, exhibitionism and surveillance are recurrent in the artistic and academic work of the director/writer/producer of this feature film, who has worked for more than seven years as a result of the poetic-academic research performed by the same within the Master of Arts (Federal University of Uberlândia / MG - UFU - 2009 to 2012) and PhD in Visual Arts (University of Campinas / SP - UNICAMP – (2013 to today). 

Thus, this film is the completion project of PhD of the director Aldo Pedrosa, while it is also his first feature film and was approved in first place at the Municipal Financial Incentive of Culture Fund, realized by the Cultural Foundation of the city of Uberaba, Brazil. 

Even with the available low budget, the film has generated good critical and public reviews in the few exhibits that happened. The critical proposal of the film is one of the most important factors of the production: to enable viewers to reflect on worrying social issues which are not often questioned. Thus, we believe the support from your festival is essential and paramount so that our production can be viewed worldwide. Because this film was an independent production, and it was held in the interior of Brazil, we have not had any agreement with any distributors yet.

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Directed by: Aldo Pedrosa
Writer: Aldo Pedrosa
Production: Aldo Pedrosa; Ari Morais; Kate Árabe; Antônio Almeida
Co-Production: Anielle Velloso; Leonardo Ramalho; Ricardo Tilim; Clarissa Mendes; Ericsson Fonseca; Fábio Ramalho; Alê Ferreira; Dandara Adrien
Photography: Ricardo Tilim
Editing: Aldo Pedrosa
Production Design: Priscila Sabino; Ericsson Fonseca
Sound Design: Antônio Almeida; Alê Ferreira
Music: Aldo Pedrosa; Antônio Almeida
Cast: Dandara Adrien; Giovanna Almeida; Rita Monteiro; Rafael Ferreira; Mayron Engel; Rodrigo Chagas; Guilherme Martins; Anderson Ued; Edgard Júnior
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Screenings / Awards: 
TOTAL: 30 laurels - 14 official selections, 10 prizes e nominations, 5 semifinals e 1 highly recommended
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AWARDS & nominations:
"Transylvania Cinema Awards" - city of Targu Mures / Romania - November 2017:
- Best Movie
- Best Student Film
- Best Experimental Film - 2nd place
- Best Director - 2nd place
- Best Actress - 3rd place (for Dandara Adrien)
- Best Edition - 6th place
“4º Festival de Cinema de Caruaru” - city of Caruaru / Brazil - November de 2017:
- Best Actress (for Giovanna Almeida)
"International Festival Best Film Awards" - city of Cluj-Napoca / Romania – January 2017:
- Best Editing
- Best Student Film - 2nd place
- Best Director - 3rd place
"Madrid Art Film Festival" - city of Madrid / Spain - September 2017::
- Honorable Mention - Highly Recommended
- Semi-final
 “Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards” - city of Los Angeles (Hollywood) / United States - February 2018:
- Semi-final
“The Wayward Festival” - city of Los Angeles (Hollywood) / United States - February 2018:
- Semi-final
"Russian Film Festival" - city of Moscow / Russia - January 2018:
- Semi-final
“Singapore Film Festival” - Singapura - January 2018:
- Semi-final
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"International Festival Best Film Awards" - city of Cluj-Napoca / Romania - January 2017
"KZ Film Festival" - city of Astana / Kazakhstan - March 2017
 "Calcutta International Cult Film Festival" - city of Calcutta / India - August 2017
"Madrid Art Film Festival" - city of Madrid / Spain - September 2017
"22nd Cinema London Film Festival" - City of London / England - September 2018
"International Meeting on Art and Technology # 16.ART - Artis Intelligentia: IMAGINING THE REAL "- city of Porto / Portugal - October 2017
"Transylvania Cinema Awards" - city of Targu Mures / Romania - November 2017
"4th Caruaru Film Festival" - city of Caruaru / Brazil - November 2017
"5th Annual City Studio International Film Festival" - Hollywood / Los Angeles / United States - November 2017
"Russian Film Festival" - city of Moscow / Russia - January 2018
“Singapore Film Festival” - Singapura - January 2018
“New York State Film Festival” - city of Nova York / United States - April 2018


Information for theatres: 
Screener: ninfa0018
Original Title: #ninfabebê
English Title: #babynymph
Portuguese Title : #ninfabebê
Director: Aldo Pedrosa 
Country: Brazil
Year: 2016
Completion & Release Date: 08/24/2016
Film color: Yes
Shooting format: Digital Vídeo | 2K
Runtime : 87
Aspect: 1,85
Category: Fiction
Gênero: drama/thriller/horror
Student project: Yes (Project linked to PhD in Visual Arts at the University of Campinas - UNICAMP
First-time filmmaker: Yes
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Distribution budget: 
US 6.500,00
Directed by: 
Aldo Pedrosa
Writing credits: 
Aldo Pedrosa
Dandara Adrien; Giovanna Almeida; Rita Monteiro; Rafael Ferreira; Mayron Engel; Rodrigo Chagas; Guilherme Martins; Anderson Ued & Edgard Júnior
Produced by: 
Aldo Pedrosa; Ari Morais; Kate Árabe & Antônio Almeida
Music by: 
Aldo Pedrosa & Antônio Almeida
Cinematography by: 
Ricardo Tilim
Film Editing by: 
Aldo Pedrosa, Diego Aragão, Ycaro Prata, Leonardo Ramalho & Fábio Ramalho
Casting by: 
Laura Resende
Production Design by: 
Priscila Sabino
Art Direction by: 
Ericsson Fonseca
Set Decoration by: 
Ericsson Fonseca
Costume Design by: 
Clarissa Mendes
Makeup Department: 
Clarissa Mendes
Production Management: 
Ari Morais
Release Date: 
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Official website:
Total votes: 2943
