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April In Paris


Two world-renowned musicians: she - from Georgia, he – from Israel, both living in Paris. She – a young star pianist, he – a violin legend of our time. Their dialogue of love and passion in the language of music and poetry, beyond space and time …
Film with Ivry Gitlis, representing music of the Golden Age of 20th century, and Khatia Buniatishvili, a superstar of classical music of 21st century …

The film is an attempt to create a portrait of an artist per se. The idea is that art has no spatial, time, gender, age etc. limits and limitations. The artistic portraits of various art people from all over the world, from various areas of art and different time such as Ivry Gitlis, Khatia Buniatishvili, Silvana Mangano, Chopin, Beethoven, Schumann, Rachmaninov, Maria Theresa von Paradies, Arthur Rimbaud, Paul Verlaine, Gerard Philippe (those who are really starring and those who are still present in the film despite space and time distance) are synthesized and united and unified in a one whole epic portrait of an artist per se. And all this is unified by means of the most simple and abstract word that is LOVE.

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

Directors: giga chkheidze

Key cast: ivry gitlis,khatia buniatishvili


Director: giga chkheidze

Giga (George) Chkheidze was born on January 8, 1965 in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. In 1986 he graduated from the National Theatre and Film School Tbilisi: Camera Faculty (under Levan Paatashvili). At the same time he studied Jazz and Electronic Music. 1986-1991 he worked as a director of photography at the Georgian State Film Studio “Georgia Film”. In 1992 he began his career as an independent filmmaker. Since 1993 he has been realizing a number of independent film projects in Moscow, London, Berlin, Munich and recently Innsbruck and Paris. 1998-2003 he did some film projects in cooperation with DFFB Berlin and HFF Munich. His films have been screened in many renowned International Film Festivals (Rotterdam, Oberhausen, IDFA Amsterdam, New Directors / New Films NYC, Melbourne etc.) and Film Programmes such as MOMA (The Museum of Modern Art NY), The Film Society of Lincoln Centre NY, Anthology Film Archives NY, INPUT San Sebastian as well as shown on several renowned TV Channels as ARTE, 3 SAT, ZDF. He gained prizes at several international film festivals.



Screenings / Awards: 

    June 6, 2014

  • orlando film festival

    October 25, 2014


    November 5, 2014

  • International Film Festival “Listapad”

    November 10, 2014

Information for theatres: 

student project: No
completion date: 2014-03-03
shooting format: digital
aspect ratio: 16.9
film color: Black & White and Color
first-time filmmaker: No

Total votes: 6286