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Black Sheep


Black Sheep is a 70-minute feature length documentary following a group of Hijras (transgender women) and the crew as they create new bonds of friendship while they proactively, through empowering events, break the barriers of popular myth and prejudice. The cinematic journey will move beyond the gritty slums of Mumbai to celebrate the real-life joys and multi-faceted personalities of this unique community of trans gender women in India. From empathetic glimpses into their everyday lives, the narrative will encapsulate a series of adventures ranging from photo-shoots to fashion and talent shows, to celebrate the glorious femininity of the Hijra protagonists. The film is seen from the filmmaker’s point of view a British Indian, Reshel, who comes to see how and why they are considered the untouchables of India and why equality in them had been lost. She find outs what she could not find in her research, their dreams, inspirations, love and family as she spends a month with them. The film shines light on these inspiring Hijras who have demonstrated the courage to go up against society’s strictures to fulfill their true destiny. “Black Sheep” underscores the importance of freedom and living true to one’s identity and confront the negative portrayal of this hitherto marginalized section of Indian society. The objective is not to sermonize or castigate. Black sheep is a beautiful, poignant documentary that honors and celebrates the freedom to live true to one’s destiny.

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

Directors: Reshel Shah Writers: Producers: Reshel Shah Key cast:


Screenings / Awards: 


World Human Rights Film Festival:

Gold award

Humanitarian Film of the year


World Documentary Film Festival:

Gold Award

Human rights filmmaker of the year

Filmmaker of inspiration


Impact Docs Online:

Impact DOCS Award of Merit Special Mention


Screening: Bollywood Internation Film Festival

Information for theatres: 

Student project: No Completion date: 2015-11-25 Shooting format: Full HD (1920X1080) Aspect ratio: Film color: Color First-time filmmaker: Yes

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