
Austria International Film Festival

Festival Description: 

The Austria International Film Festival is an event that will let the audience experience vivid emotions and will make an unforgettable impression. Cinematographers from all over the world will be invited to the contest. The winners will be the ones who, according to the jury, have the most unique artistic views of the world in cinema.
Austria is a country, from where each corner has prepared its own "tasty morsel" of art and culture. Fans of classical music and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart go to Salzburg, for the cleanest lakes and hot mineral springs, tourists go to charming Carinthia, and lovers of opera, attractions, architecture and good cinema - of course, go to the capital of Austria - Vienna.
Those planning to attend are invited to familiarize themselves with the award categories for which participants will compete: Audience Award, Best Narrative Film, Best Short Film, Best Documentary Film, Best Documentary Short Film, Best Entertainment, Best Music Video, Best Student Film and Best Experimental Film.
The Austria International Film Festival is a must visit event! In attendance there will be people who live for art and people who will open the audience up to new and wonderful worlds, the likes of which have never been experienced before. This event will bring together talented people from all over the world. Every year the number of participants increases, and the work that they demonstrate becomes more interesting and professional.
It is guaranteed that the Austria International Film Festival will broaden horizons!
The jury of the festival are looking for filmmakers with a free spirit, new ideas, an independent point of view and new approaches to the world of film. The budget of the films is not important, it is all about the talent! The perfect end to the festival will be an informal exchange between the filmmakers and audience in the company of the invited local and international directors, producers and actors. All those present will have the opportunity to communicate and network with each participant of this event. After all, the festival opens the doors for professional and non-professional filmmakers. The atmosphere of the event will allow each viewer to live all the stories that will be displayed on the screen. Big impressions, lively discussion and new and interesting acquaintances will make this evening unforgettable.
Discover a whole new world at the Austria International Film Festival!


Awards & Prizes: 
  • Auszeichnungen
  • Publikumspreis
  • Bester narrative Film
  • Beste Kurzfilm
  • Beste Erzählung Kurzfilm
  • Bester Doku-Film
  • Bester Doku-Kurzfilm
  • Beste Kinematographie
  • Beste Animation
  • Bestes Musikvideo
  • Bester Studenten Film
  • Bester Studenten Kurzfilm
  • Bester Direktor
  • Bester Experimental Film


Wir unterstützen die Einreichung von internationalen Film- oder Videoeinträgen, aber alle Einträge müssen in englischer Sprache sein oder englische Untertitel haben.
Sie können so viele Einträge einreichen, wie Sie möchten. Jeder Eintrag erfordert ein eigenes Startgeld. Gebühren werden nicht erstattet.
Online-Einreichungen ist bevorzugt,
Oder Sie können auch einen Download-Link zu Ihrer 1080p, 24/25 fps .mp [e] g / .avi / .vob / .mov / .mp4 / .m4v Einreichung.
Alle Auszeichnungen basieren auf dem Gesamteindruck. Entscheidungen der Jury sind endgültig.
Das Festival behandelt keine Urheberrechtsfragen. Alle Urheberrechtsfragen sollten von den Filmautoren gelöst werden.
Filmemacher und Drehbuchautoren behalten 100% aller Rechte an ihren Projekten und Materialien, die sie dem Austria International Film Festival unterbreiten.
Die Veranstalter des Festivals haben das Recht, Auszüge des Films für Werbezwecke zu verwenden.
Sie verpflichten sich, das Festival, unsere Beauftragten, verbundenen Unternehmen, Mitarbeiter und Partner von allen Ansprüchen und Verbindlichkeiten, die sich aus der Eingabe oder Übermittlung Ihres Films an das Austria International Film Festival ergeben, schadlos zu halten.
Eine Bestätigungsmail wird gesendet, wenn Ihr Film ausgewählt wird.
Zertifikate sind auf Anfrage erhältlich.
Festival Organizers: 
Anthony Ramirez Director
Festival Contact Information: 
Contact Information Displayed publicly
Submission requests email: 
Opening Date: 
October 08, 2024
Earlybird Deadline: 
February 03, 2025
Regular Deadline: 
March 02, 2025
Submission Address: 
My festival has the same submission address.
Late Deadline: 
June 03, 2025
Extended Deadline: 
September 26, 2025
Notification Date: 
September 28, 2025
Event Date: 
September 29, 2025 to September 30, 2025


's picture
To be in Austria
To be in Austria International film festival has been an opportunity.
I wish to thank the Film Festival Coordinator to have organize a great festival with great audience  and above all in the great cinema!
To watch your movie on big screen has been a wonderful experience: your movie became a real movie!
I hope this Festival can became greater!

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